If you only have time to call about a few bills, here's a list of what we're watching closely this week.
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OPPOSE SB1, Family Separation Bill
This bill would turn public employees into immigration agents, separate families, create a system of fear and intimidation against Kentuckians of color, harm Kentucky's economy, weaken local law enforcement, and open counties to costly lawsuits.
EXPECTED BILL MOVEMENT: This bill has already passed the Senate and will be heard in the House soon.
OPPOSE SB2, Mandatory Voter ID Bill
This bill would require all voters to have a government- or university-issued ID with a photo, signature, and expiration date. This will make it harder for minorities, the disabled, the elderly, people in rural areas, and students to vote. Laws like this have proven to reduce turnout by 2-3%.
EXPECTED BILL MOVEMENT: SB2 has already passed out of the Senate and committee in the House. It will likely be voted on by the full House on Monday, March 2, the last stop before the Governor's desk.
OPPOSE SB182, Bill to limit free speech in public spaces
This bill would make it a crime to post videos online that have "personally identifying information," and would hold people criminally liable for the actions of others.
EXPECTED BILL MOVEMENT: Bill passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee least week and will likely be voted on by the full Senate on Monday, March 2. If it passes, it will head to the House for consideration.
OPPOSE HB67, Anti-abortion constitutional amendment
This bill would amend the Kentucky Constitution to ban abortion. It would also enshrine a prohibition on insurance coverage for abortion in the constitution.
EXPECTED BILL MOVEMENT: Bill has already passed out of committee and will likely considered by the full House this week. If it passes, it will head to the Senate for consideration.
SUPPORT HB368, Access to education for people with past convictions
This bill would allow people with past felony convictions to access Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarship (KEES) money. Education is key to helping people get back on their feet and live independently after incarceration.
EXPECTED BILL MOVEMENT: Bill passed out of committee last week and will be voted on by the full Senate on Monday, March 2. It will then head to the House.
SUPPORT HB284, Successful Supervision Act
This bill would allow people on probation to earn credit for education, community service, and more, just like people on parole already can.
EXPECTED BILL MOVEMENT: Bill already passed out of the House and will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee the Thursday, March 5. If it passes there, it will head to the full Senate for consideration.
SUPPORT HB327, Removal of charges from criminal records IF charges are dismissed or person is acquitted
This bill would uphold the principle that all people are innocent until proven guilty by removing charges from peoples' records if they are acquitted or the charges are dismissed.
EXPECTED BILL MOVEMENT: Bill already passed out of the House and will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee the Thursday, March 5. If it passes there, it will head to the full Senate for consideration.