SCOTUS poised to overturn Roe
American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Anthony Romero issued the following statement Monday evening in response to reporting of a leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade:
"If the Supreme Court does indeed issue a majority opinion along the lines of the leaked draft authored by Justice Alito, the shift in the tectonic plates of abortion rights will be as significant as any opinion the Court has ever issued. It would deprive half the nation of a fundamental, constitutional right that has been enjoyed by millions of women for over 50 years. The breach in protocol at the Court pales in comparison to the breach in constitutional freedoms that the Court is charged with upholding. However the decision ultimately comes down, the ACLU will never stop fighting for a person's right to choose when and if to have a child."
Abortion remains legal and people can still access that care in Kentucky.
Patients seeking an abortion in Kentucky should contact EMW Women’s Surgical Center, Planned Parenthood, or Kentucky Health Justice Network.
- EMW Women's Surgical Center can provide abortion care up to 22 weeks and answer questions. Dial 1-800-626-3512 or visit EMWWomens.com
- Planned Parenthood can provide abortion care and other reproductive healthcare services. Learn more at PlannedParenthood.org
- Kentucky Health Justice Network has a message line and can help people seeking abortions with financial assistance, transportation, interpretation, and more. Dial their message line at 1-855-576-4576 or email [email protected]. Learn more about KHJN at KentuckyHealthJusticeNetwork.org