The following can be attributed to ACLU-KY Legal Director Corey Shapiro:
“The ACLU of Kentucky is aware of the tech issues that have led to long lines for too many voters in Jefferson County.
After three days of historic levels of early voting, this morning’s lack of preparedness from our County Clerk is inexcusable.
Unfortunately, the burden now falls to voters to find more time in their schedules to be able to cast their ballots. We encourage all voters to stay in line so that their voices may be heard.
We are exploring all options, including litigation, to ensure every eligible voter in Jefferson County can access the ballot box today. We encourage anyone impacted by today’s breakdown to call the Voter Protection Hotline 866-Our-Vote.”
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Kentucky is freedom's watchdog, working daily in the courts, legislature, and communities to defend individual rights and personal freedoms. For additional information, visit our website at: www.aclu-ky.org.