This statement can be attributed to Kungu Njuguna, ACLU-KY Policy Strategist:
“The final passage of House Bill 5 is not a surprise, but it is a disappointment. This bill will undoubtedly cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, cause irreparable harm to our houseless neighbors, unnecessarily entrap people with substance use disorder in the criminal legal system, and add to the dangerous problem of jail and prison overpopulation.
We cannot incarcerate our way to prosperity. We MUST listen to data and prioritize the experience of directly impacted people when it comes to solving problems in our commonwealth. We MUST invest in root cause solutions like housing, education, and treatment.
We know this bill will cause harm. The only unknown is how much. We will work in the interim and next session to control what damage we can with new legislation, and we urge the Governor to veto this collection of regurgitated failed policy.”