Get Involved with Voting Rights Restoration

July 25, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

Join the ACLU-KY team to see how you can help grow our coalition of Kentuckians working to register voters whose rights were restored and increase access to the ballot box.


Kentucky has long taken the right to vote away from people with a felony conviction in their past – even those who have served their entire sentence. This law silenced roughly 25% of Black and African-Americans in Kentucky, and 9% of Kentuckians who would have otherwise been eligible to vote.

Governor Beshear restored rights to roughly 175,000 people in 2019, but that executive order could be reversed by a future governor and still left behind over 65,000 people.

We're working with communities throughout the commonwealth to register people whose rights were restored and build the political momentum to enshrine Governor Beshear's executive order into the Kentucky Constitution.

All are welcome.

Learn more about restoration of voting rights, see if your rights were restored, and register to vote.