Do you have an active bench warrant? You can get it cleared! The Jefferson County Attorney is offering an amnesty period for people with an active bench warrant to have their warrant set aside and reschedule their case. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2025.
The Jefferson County Attorney’s Office has scheduled an amnesty docket. This means Kentuckians with a bench warrant (a warrant issued from the judge’s bench), most often for failure to appear in court, can apply to have their warrant set aside and reschedule their case. The deadline to apply for amnesty is Friday, February 28, 2025. The dates for amnesty hearings are:
March 7, 2025 at 1:00 pm
March 8, 2025 at 9:00 am
March 10, 2025 at 1:00 pm
What does “redocket” mean?
The docket is the list of cases to be heard in court. For amnesty, a person with an existing bench warrant can ask that their case be placed on the docket and their bench warrant set aside, which means they will not be arrested for failing to appear in court.
Who is eligible?
Kentuckians with a bench warrant from Jefferson County District Court for a nonviolent offense and class D non-violent felony offenses. All people with this type of bench warrant from Jefferson County are eligible, whether or not they live in Jefferson County.
How do you apply?
Click below to apply or visit LouisvilleProsecutors.org/Redocket to apply.
Questions? Call 502-272-0056.
What if I owe restitution?
There are funds available to help individuals who owe restitution with payment! Watch this page for information on help with restitution related to bench warrants.
Does it cost any money to apply for amnesty?
There is no cost associated with applying for the amnesty docket. There may be costs related to restitution, fines, or fees in your case. See above for more information about assistance paying restitution, fines, and fees.
Do I need a state-issued ID?
No, you do not need an ID to redocket or appear in court.
Can I bring my kids?
Childcare is not available for court appearances.
Help us spread the word!
We need your help spreading the word so all people who are eligible for amnesty learn about this opportunity. Click below to download and print a flyer, and share our posts on Facebook, Bluesky, and Instagram.
Clearing bench warrants and giving people the opportunity to close their cases will reduce incarceration and save lives. Bench warrants are typically issued after a person does not appear for a scheduled court appearance or does not pay fines, fees, or restitution. Many people miss court dates because of barriers to transportation, childcare, time off work, and more. When a person has an active bench warrant, police are authorized to arrest them if they come into contact with the person. That means getting pulled over for speeding could lead to an arrest and incarceration.