Let All Kids Play: Stopping Attacks on LGBTQ Children

February 2, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
@ 7:00 pm

Kentucky lawmakers are in Frankfort for the 2022 legislative session. Several bills have been filed that would ban transgender and non-binary children from participating in school sports. Join us to learn more about this legislation and how you can help us fight back to protect all Kentucky kids. 

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  • Jackie McGranahan, ACLU of Kentucky, Moderator
  • Chris Hartman, Fairness Campaign
  • Jeremy McFarland, Fairness Campaign
  • Dawn Wilson, coach
  • Ruth Myers, Fairness Campaign Board of Directors

Transgender kids are kids and they deserve the same opportunities, inclusion, and community as all other kids. No child should face discrimination or be excluded simply for being true to themselves.

Take action:

Visit ACLU-KY.org/Sports to learn more about this legislation and send a message to lawmakers now urging them to OPPOSE these attacks. Already sent a message? Dial 1-800-372-7181 and ask lawmakers to OPPOSE Senate Bill 83. Calling takes only a couple of minutes and you don't even need to know who your representative or senator is.