Metro Council Vote on Immigration Ordinance

October 26, 2017 @ 6:00 pm
October 27, 2017 @ 7:45 pm


On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, Louisville Metro Council will vote on a proposed ordinance designed to improve public safety and protect our immigrant communities. We need your help!

The Ordinance Relating to Employee Authority in Immigration Matters clearly separates the jurisdictions of Louisville Metro Police and Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting recently uncovered a history of questionable collusion between the two agencies, in which LMPD regularly provided assistance to ICE in non-emergency situations. This resulted in over-policing and widespread arrests within Louisville’s immigrant community. In response to this revelation, LMPD changed their policies to clarify this relationship.

 What you need to know:

 This is NOT a Sanctuary City ordinance, as defined by the current Department of Justice. It does not threaten federal funding for Louisville in any way.

  • The ordinance does NOT PREVENT LMPD from cooperating with federal agencies on when they have a criminal warrant signed by a judge or when there is an immediate threat to law enforcement or public .
  • The ordinance REINFORCES the new policies set forth by LMPD


 What does the ordinance do?

  • KEEPS RESOURCES LOCAL by curbing the diversion of local funds to federally subsidized agencies.
  • PREVENTS THE ABUSE of Louisvillians based on their actual or perceived immigration status by protecting everyone’s right to due process and U.S. constitutional protections/.
  • ENFORCES LOCAL JURISDICTION by prohibiting LMPD from asking about or collecting information about individuals’ immigration status.


 How Can You Help?

  • CALL your Metro Council Member and ask that they vote FOR the ordinance “RELATING TO EMPLOYEE AUTHORITY IN IMMIGRATION MATTERS.”
  • ASK that they include the following amendments to the ordinance:
  • An amendment making city services and benefits available to all regardless of actual or perceived immigration status, unless required otherwise by federal or state governments.
  • An amendment that prohibits Metro government from detaining or continuing to detain people based on their actual or perceived immigration status when they would be otherwise eligible for release.
  • SPREAD THE WORD. It is unlikely that an ordinance like this will be re-introduced anytime soon, leaving community members at even higher risks of unwarranted arrests and deportations.

 Don’t know who your council member is? Find out at

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