Lexington Film Screening: Trapped

April 7, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
@ 9:30 pm

Join us for a FREE Screening of the film Trapped.  TRAPPED follows the clinic workers and lawyers--including those who are taking their case to the Supreme Court now--who are fighting to keep abortion safe and legal for millions of American women, many of whom are poor and uninsured.

Check out more at: http://www.trappeddocumentary.com/

This screening is sponsored by Planned Parenthood, the Kentucky ACLU, UK Medical Students for Choice, and Kentucky NOW. Following the screening, we will have a brief discussion and Q&A with medical providers and reproductive justice advocates.

The Kentucky Theater 214 E. Main Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507
7:00 PM – 7th, April 2016


UK Medical Students for Choice

Kentucky National Organization For Women (NOW)

ACLU Of Kentucky

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Indiana and Kentucky