or dial 1-800-372-7181
Why do phone calls matter?
When you call legislators to tell them how you would like them to vote on a certain bill, they receive a physical piece of green or red paper representing your view. These are called “green slips” and “red slips”. When several people call about a bill, a legislator will have stacks of each color paper. Many lawmakers say they are influenced by how many green or red slips they receive. These slips are what make phone calls so effective.

What to expect:
Calling the Legislative Message line is toll-free and only takes a minute. You don't even have to know your legislators' names. Be prepared to share your address so operators can send your message to the right place.
What to say:
It's best if you know the bill numbers you want lawmakers to support or oppose before you call. All you have to say is something simple like "I would like my legislators to vote no on HB23 and SB63. I would like them to vote yes on HB222."
When to call:
The Legislative Message Line is open Monday through Thursday from 7AM to 11PM ET and Friday from 7AM to 6PM during the legislative session (January 4 – April 14, 2022).
Every phone call counts. If you have time, call every day!
Dial 1-800-372-7181 or click below to leave a message.