Caregivers and Incarceration

The Caregiver Consideration Act is a solutions-focused policy that addresses the root causes of crime. The bill is modeled on legislation from other states that provide community-based alternatives to prison and/or jail to prioritize safety while keeping families together.

This bill encourages the use of community-based alternatives including, but not limited to:

  • therapy
  • case management
  • recovery services
  • vocational and educational services
  • job training

and more for Kentuckians who are parenting minor children and convicted of low-level drug and property crimes.

Community-based alternatives continue to require parents to face the consequences of their conviction but reduce the impact on Kentucky kids.



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Kentucky legislators know kids need support, and that having an incarcerated parent can mean a lifetime of struggle. Tell your representatives in Frankfort you support preserving families and protecting children.

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Sincere conversations with people we trust and love are the best way to change opinions. This one pager has information about this legislation you can share with friends, family, and lawmakers. 

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KY Kids are serving their parents' sentences too. 135,325 Kentucky children have a parent who has experienced incarceration.
Incarcerated parents, particularly moms, are significantly less likely to reunite with their children after release.
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