The Kentucky General Assembly is in full swing. Lawmakers are advancing two bills to intimidate free speech in response to 2020 protests.
Help us reach out to Kentuckians asking them to urge their legislators to oppose HB479 and SB211. Your calls and emails have already caused the HB479 sponsor to file amendments fixing some of the worst provisions. Click register to help us keep up the pressure to stop both bills entirely.
In the meantime, email lawmakers and ask them to oppose these bills at or leave a message by calling 1-800-372-7181.
Text banking is like phone banking, but you do not use your phone or phone number. We have an online platform that's free, easy to use, and is NOT connected to your phone or any personal information. You will need access to a computer or tablet to use the texting platform. We'll show you how to use it before starting the text bank.