The Kentucky General Assembly is in full swing. Help us reach out to Kentuckians asking them to urge their legislators to support civil liberties priorities. Your texts have already helped us advance multiple bills, but there's still more work to be done.
Lawmakers advance different bills at different times. While we are sure yet which bill we'll text about on this particular day, it will be one of our priority bills. Either way, we need your help. Go ahead and register now!
You must register for each day you'd like to text bank. Registering for one will not register you for any others. See all text banks on our events page here.
Text banking is like phone banking, but you do not use your phone or phone number. We have an online platform that's free, easy to use, and is NOT connected to your phone or any personal information. You will need access to a computer or tablet to use the texting platform. We'll show you how to use it before starting the text bank.