On Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 6pm at 21c Hotel and Museum in Louisville, we are hosting a special public education event, “Re-Actions2: Art, Advocacy, and Activism”. We’ve invited local supporters of civil liberties and social justice to present a 5-7 minute talk or reaction to a piece on display in the 21c Louisville ‘Dress Up, Speak Up’ exhibition. Join us in this lively community setting using art as the impetus to discuss pressing social justice and civil liberties issues as the 2019 General Assembly gets underway.
The event is free and open to the public. We had a standing room only crowd last year, and hope to pack the house once again. Check out last year’s event: https://www.facebook.com/ACLUofKY/videos/10154738381321072/.
Image caption: Wilmer Wilson IV (American), Self-Portrait as a Model Citizen (detail), 2012. Pigment print.