Meet Freda Fairness, mascot of our Kentucky Farm Bureau protest, at the Kentucky State Fair!
She'll be at the Fairness Campaign booth in South Wing C (Column C-6) at the Kentucky State Fair Fridays & Saturdays Noon-2pm and Thursday, August 23--KY Farm Bureau Day--9am-Noon.
Learn more about the KY Farm Bureau's discriminatory policies at
Check out this message from Freda!
I'm Freda Fairness, Freddy Farm Bureau's cousin! You probably know Freddy from years of him sittin' at the entrance of the Kentucky State Fair greetin' folks like you and me. He's nice enough, but I had no idea the company he works for, Kentucky Farm Bureau, marginalizes and discriminates against people like me. Just read their policy booklet!
I hope you'll join me in asking, #WhyFreddy?
Follow me at Freda Fairness & @FredaFairness we can spread the word about Freddy and the Farm Bureau. Also, don't forget to contact your local Kentucky Farm Bureau county chapter--whether you're a member or not! Ask them why these policies exist and how you can change them!
Freda is a collaboration with Squallis Puppeteers
Meet Freda Fairness at the KY State Fair
August 17, 2018 (All day) –
August 25, 2018 (All day)
August 25, 2018 (All day)
Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center
937 Phillips Lane
Louisville, KY 40209
United States