I AM A Kentuckian feat. Jose Antonio Vargas in Louisville

October 29, 2015 (All day)

I Am a Kentuckian Meet and Greet, Talk at UofL

Join national advocate Jose Antonio Vargas alongside local voices in a discussion of our nation's out of date immigration policies. Hear personal accounts of the ways our immigration system isn't meeting our country's changing needs.

The Meet and Greet is Thursday, Oct. 29, from 8-10 a.m. at the ACLU of Kentucky office (315 Guthrie Street).

The UofL Talk is on the same day at Noon at the University of Louisville Red Barn (2301 S 3rd St).

Registration is not required. For more information, contact Kate Miller at (502) 581-9746 or Kate [at] aclu-ky.org.