House Health & Welfare Cmte. Hearing on Anti-Choice Bills

March 20, 2014 @ 12:00 pm
March 21, 2014 @ 1:45 pm

March 20, the House Health and Welfare Committee will vote on three pieces of anti-choice legislation that would require doctors to perform medically unnecessary ultrasounds before a woman could obtain an abortion at one of Kentucky’s two clinics, and add an unnecessary wait time before an abortion could be performed.

Tell your state representatives that private healthcare decisions should be in the hands of Kentucky families, not politicians.

Want to do more to stop these anti-choice bills? Join us in Frankfort at the committee meeting.

House Health and Welfare Comm. Mtg. Tomorrow, Thurs., March 20 at noon Capitol Annex, room 169, Frankfort, KY

Let your state representatives know the government doesn’t have any business interfering in the health care decisions of Kentucky families.