AU Louisville, ACLU of Kentucky and the American Constitution Society are hosting a panel discussion on religion in public schools with three distinguished guests, Colin McNamara (Freedom From Religion Foundation’s legal fellow), Heather Gatnarek (ACLU-KY staff attorney) and Jason Crosby (a minister at Crescent Hill Baptist Church).
The speakers will answer many questions about the role of religion in public schools including:
• Is it acceptable to open Board meetings, athletic events, graduations and other school-sponsored events with a prayer;
• What can be taught in bible literacy classes;
• Are religious songs are allowed at choir and band concerts;
• Can teachers invite their students to join them at church activities;
• What is the role of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes;
• And more!
We’ll meet in the upstairs private room at Monnik Beer Company, 1036 East Burnett Ave. in Louisville. We’ll have light appetizers and beverages available at 5:30 p.m. with the program from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Co-sponsored Event: Religion in Public Schools
August 21, 2019 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm