2015 Fairness Rally and Lobby Day

February 18, 2015 (All day)

Update:  As we continue to hear from supporters across the state faced with hazardous road conditions, and given the Kentucky General Assembly's revised schedule for Wednesday, we must regretfully cancel our Statewide Fairness Rally and Lobby Day that was set for February 18,2015.

We plan to reschedule, potentially as early as next week, but until the Division of Historic Properties in Frankfort reopens, we won't know when the Capitol Rotunda may be available.

We'll let you know the reschedule right away--in the meantime, please stay safe and warm and consider sending an e-mail of support to your representatives for Statewide Fairness Senate Bill 156 and House Bill 379!

Look up your representatives' e-mail addresses here: www.tinyurl.com/KYLegLookup
LGBT people can still be fired from a job, denied a place to live, and be kicked out of a restaurant in most of Kentucky--that's true even in many states that now have marriage equality, like Indiana.

RALLY & LOBBY for a KY Statewide Fairness Law Feb. 18!

6:45 a.m. Carpool from Fairness Campaign

7:30 a.m. FREE Breakfast | KY Faith Leaders for Fairness Prayer Breakfast in KY Capitol Annex Cafeteria

8:30 a.m. Lobby Training in Capitol Annex (Room TBA)

9 a.m.-1 p.m. Lobby Legislators with Lunch Break 1:30 p.m. Rally in Capitol Rotunda

The Kentucky Capitol is located at 700 Capital Ave., Frankfort, KY 40601 The Capitol Annex is immediately behind the Kentucky Capitol Building


PREPARE by calling 1-800-372-7181 to schedule a meeting with your state Senator and Representative Feb. 18 to support Statewide LGBT Fairness (the operator will help you). Once you've scheduled a meeting, contact Fairness at 502.893.0788 or Laura@Fairness.org to let us know the time and representative's name.

Wear your "Another Kentuckian for Fairness" t-shirt or royal blue to show your support! We'll bring FREE shirts the day of the rally.

For more info contact (502) 893-0788 or Laura@fairness.org.

83% OF KENTUCKIANS SUPPORT FAIRNESS! www.FairnessCoalition.org for statewide survey results.

Members of the Fairness Coalition include: ACLU of Kentucky, Fairness Campaign, Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, & Lexington Fairness