Donate Today

Make a tax-deductible gift today to our 501(c)3, the ACLU of Kentucky Foundation, to support our work. 

Your gift to the ACLU of Kentucky Foundation supports litigation, public awareness campaigns, and organizing to increase access to abortion care, family planning services, comprehensive sexuality education, and more. The ACLU receives no government funding and does not charge its clients for legal representation. Our work depends entirely on private donations, foundation grants, bequests, and court-awarded legal fees earned in successful cases.

There are a number of ways you can support the ACLU of Kentucky:

Check, Online, or Phone

Make your gift today.

Hand on keyboard, paper check

Make a gift by check to:

ACLU of Kentucky Foundation
325 W Main St., Ste. 2210
Louisville, KY 40202

Give online here.

Set up a call to donate by phone by emailing Chloe Treat at


Donate stocks or other securities.

Key and stock board

Donate stock or other securities such as bonds or mutual funds. For information, contact Charlene Buckles at

*Note: when your stock is transferred to our account, we do not receive any information that identifies you as the donor. Please notify Charlene Buckles at when you transfer stock and provide the following information: 

  • Name of the stock 
  • Number of shares 
  • Your name and address 

Legacy Giving

Make a bequest.

tree and hands clasped

Remember us with a bequest to ensure our work to defend civil liberties and civil rights endures beyond your lifetime. For more about bequests, contact Charlene Buckles at

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Make an impact now.

daffodils and a ripple in a pond

Make an immediate impact on civil rights and civil liberties in Kentucky through your DAF. We are eligible to receive distributions from most DAFs. 

Our tax identification number is 61-6058569. 

Our mailing address is: ACLU of Kentucky Foundation, 325 W. Main St., Ste. 2210, Louisville, KY 40202.