Clean Slate Initiative: Digital Toolkit

Clean Slate Kentucky is a coalition of community and advocacy organizations, businesses, faith leaders, and directly impacted community members. The coalition is working to ensure that Kentuckians who have earned a second chance have a fair opportunity to work, get an education, and achieve their full potential.

The problem is that the vast majority of people who have earned a second chance never receive one. The current process for clearing eligible records can be confusing, expensive, and full of red tape.

The good news is that there’s a solution. Several states have streamlined the process by automatically clearing eligible records. It is a commonsense approach that has strong support on both sides of the aisle.

It’s time for Kentucky to do the same. There are an estimated 1.3 million adults in the state who face barriers daily to building a better life for themselves and their families. It’s time to ensure that a fair shot at redemption isn’t only available to the wealthy who can afford to navigate the process. Encourage your lawmakers to pass the Kentucky Clean Slate Act so that working families also have a fair shot at creating a better future.

Clean Slate Kentucky is part of a larger effort, working in partnership with the Clean Slate Initiative at the national level. For more information visit the national site.



Make Your Voice Heard

Connect with your legislator.

Take Action Card

Let lawmakers know: most Kentuckians support access to abortion. Tell your representatives in Frankfort you support reproductive freedom in Kentucky.

Talk to People

Share what you've learned.

Talk to People Card

Sincere conversations with people we trust and love are the best way to change opinions. This one pager has information about this legislation you can share with friends, family, and lawmakers. 

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Kentucky Data Snapshot Clean Slate


The Clean Slate Initiative has launched a new Data Dashboard that sheds light on the depth of America’s arrest and conviction records crisis. The Clean Slate Initiative Data Dashboard allows lawmakers, advocates, and others to scale the impact of #SecondChance legislation. 

One in Three Have a Record

Tens of millions of people — including many who have never been convicted — are saddled with legal records that block meaningful opportunities, including employment, housing, education, starting a business, or participating fully in social and civic community life.
Impact of a Record

When our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and community members are barred from fully participating in society and our economy because of a past mistake, we all lose out. We can do better. An arrest or conviction record should not be a life sentence to poverty, exclusion, and stigma.
Half as Likely to Get Callbacks

Everyone in America should have a fair opportunity to make a living, take care of their families, and participate in their communities. After people have paid their debt to society and remain crime-free, they should have a fair shot at redemption.
Half of US Children
Tens of millions of people — including many who have never been convicted — are saddled with legal records that block meaningful opportunities, including employment, housing, education, starting a business, or participating fully in social and civic community life.
Cognitive Barriers for Kids
Having a record should not be a life sentence to poverty. Criminal records can contribute to cycles of multigenerational poverty.