We are Kentucky Days of Action on Repro Rights

January 4, 2017 (All day)
January 5, 2017 (All day)

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Indiana and Kentucky and the ACLU of Kentucky will need you January 4th and 5th at the State Capital. Come and join us to show that the Commonwealth will not stand for attacks on its people. We need send a clear message that we will not back down and we will not go back!

Wednesday, January 4 11:00AM

We ARE Kentucky: Days of Action for Repro Rights Press Conference

Capitol Annex, Frankfort Rm 111

Join our "human backdrop" at the press conference for visual representation of the number and diversity of reproductive rights supporters in the commonwealth.  After the press conference we'll debrief and discuss strategy for the legislative session.  You can also Take Action for repro rights at action stations we'll have set up in the room. 
Thursday, January 5 1:00PM

We ARE Kentucky: Days of Action for Repro Rights Rally Day  
The cafeteria in the annex basement will be our staging area:

10:30AM Lobby Training

10:45AM Direct Action Training

11AM-12:45AM On your own lobby legislators, grab lunch

1:00PM Rally in the Capitol Rotunda

Fill out this coalition registration form to receive additional information:  https://docs.google.com/a/nyu.edu/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_F-lX9XfJMspd9KnDwF...

Carpool information:

Louisville carpool will leave from Von Maur end of Oxmoor Mall at 11:15AM

For those in Lexington a bus will depart at 9:30am sharp from the Fayette Mall near Dillards at 3625 Nicholasville Rd. Please arrive by 9:15am to ensure that we leave on time.