The Kentucky Senate sent anti-abortion measure SB 4 to the Governor to sign into law, after concurring with changes the House made to the bill. SB 4 adds an unnecessary barrier to safe and legal abortions, by requiring a 24 forced delay before the procedure for counseling. The original version of the bill called for in-person counseling. The amended version of the bill allows for the use of telemedicine as an option for completing the delay requirement.
Derek Selznick, American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Project Director, had this comment:
“This afternoon the Kentucky General Assembly - a body which increasingly decries 'big government' - placed itself firmly in between Kentucky women and their medical care providers. Instead of respecting and protecting the rights of women in the Commonwealth to consult with a medical professional privately and on their own terms, lawmakers are now dictating care and medical advice from Frankfort. Some have said the addition of a telehealth option in the bill makes this legislation neutral and non-burdensome, that is incorrect. We know through the work on KentuckyWired that thousands of Kentucky families don’t have ready access to high-speed internet necessary to use live, real-time communication services like Skype. While we do not anticipate Governor Bevin will veto SB 4, he would be wise to do so as this legislation is opening a door to unprecedented government meddling in personal health consultation.”